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Essay Writing Contest on Fiftieth Anniversary of
Venerable Master Hua’s Bringing the Dharma to the West
Essay Writing Contest on Fiftieth Anniversary of
Venerable Master Hua’s Bringing the Dharma to the West1. Main Objective: This year is the fiftieth anniversary of the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua’s bringing the Dharma to the West, and we’ve arranged a variety of activities to remember and reflect on the past as well as look towards the future. In order to make these activities reach more people and influence them at a deeper level, we have included an essay contest as part of this year's activities.
2. Essay Topic: The writer can choose his/her own topic as long as the content is related to conditions with Venerable Master, including his influence on you, his Dharma propagation, translation, education, interfaith dialogues, and other related topics. We encourage people to submit their articles for the contest.
3. Languages: The essay can be written in either Chinese, English, or Vietnamese.
4. Participant Qualifications: Anyone who is sincere may participate. There are no restrictions concerning nationality, religious affiliation, ethnicity, etc. In order to ensure fairness, contestants will be divided into the following competing categories:
Category A: working adults and college students.
Category B: high school students. (9-12th graders)
Category C: 8th graders and below5. Essay Word Limit:
Category A: 1200-3000 words.
Category B: 600-1200 words.
Category C: 400-800 words.6. Grading Rubric: Content: 60%; Rhetoric: 15%; Grammar: 15%; Paragraphing: 10%
7. Awards and Recognition: Each of the above four grading rubrics will yield different prizes including (1) Bodhi Award, (1) Compassion Award, (1) Happy-giving Award, and several Lotus Awards, etc.
8. Copyrights: Essays receiving awards will be published in Vajra Bodhi Sea monthly magazine and DRBA websites and publications. Contest organizers will retain copyrights of the essays.
9. Essay Deadline: May 31, 2012
10. Submit entries by mail or email to:
4951 Bodhi Way
Ukiah, CA 95482 USA
Attn: DVBS Chinese Department.Email: dvbscd@gmail.com
11. Winner Announcements: Contest results will be posted on the DRBA website by June 15, 2012. Each individual will also be informed.
12. Awarding Date: Prizes will be awarded on June 24, 2012 at CTTB. (International or other long-distance winners may have another person receive their prize, on their behalf.)
1. 主旨: 今年係 宣公上人來美弘法五十週年 ,為緬懷上人德澤 ,特舉辦徵文比賽活動 。
2. 題目:可自訂,凡與上人有關之內容,如與上人之因緣、所受影響 ,
或上人弘法、翻譯、教育、宗教交流…等之事蹟、內容,皆歡迎投稿參加。3. 語言: 採中、英文分組比賽 、評審。
4. 參賽資格:凡具誠心者 ,不論國籍、宗教、種族之海內外 人士 皆歡迎參加 。比賽 分成以下
三 組:A 組:大專院校 學生及社會人士
B 組:就讀高中之 學生 (美制 9-12 年級)
C 組:就讀 8 年級以下之學生
5. 字數限制:
A 組: 1200-3000 字B 組: 600-1200 字
C 組: 400-800 字
6. 評分標準:內容( 60% ) 修辭 ( 15% ) 文法 ( 15% ) 段落 ( 10% )
7. 名次:各組選出菩提獎、慈悲獎、喜捨獎各一名,蓮花獎 若干 名。
8. 作品版權:得獎之作品將刊登於 《 金剛菩提海 》 月刊、
法界佛教總會 所屬 網站及其出版品 ,主辦單位擁有作品之版權。9. 截稿日期:自即日起至 2012 年 5 月 31 日止
10. 投稿地點:郵寄:4951 Bodhi Way, Ukiah, CA95482 USA
培德中學男校中文部 收
電郵: dvbscd@gmail.com
11. 得獎公佈:2012 年 6 月 15 日前公佈於法界佛教總會中文網站 ,並個別通知得獎人。
12. 頒獎日期: 2012 年 6 月 24 日於萬佛聖城 道源堂 (海外或遠道不能前來領獎者,可委託他人代領)