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為感恩 宣公上人創建萬佛聖城迄今已三十餘年 ,萬佛城金剛菩提海月刊特舉辦「萬佛聖城對我的影響」 徵文活動 。佳作除可獲得紀念獎狀及上人開示法寶 , 並將彙集出書 。歡迎與萬佛聖城有緣的朋友們把握機會 , 跟大家分享您與萬佛聖城的寶貴因緣故事 。來稿請寄萬佛聖城 《金剛菩提海》 或電郵 : cttb@drba.org
In gratitude to the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua for establishing the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas over three decades ago, Vajra Bodhi Sea will publish a series of essays. The topic is “CTTB’S Influence On Me”. Authors of the best essays will receive awards and Dharma gifts. Their essays will be published. Everyone who has affinities with CTTB should take the opportunity to share your experiences with the whole world.