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Chapter Six
“Then that Thus Come One, wishing to temper the multitude of living beings. In that oceanic assembly in his Way-place, spoke the Sutra of Universally Gathering in the Dharmas of Self-Mastery of All the Buddhas of the Three Periods of Time, with Sutras as many as fine motes of dust in a world system as its retinue. According with the hearts of living beings, he caused them all to obtain benefit.
“As soon as Great Awesome Light Bodhisattva heard this Dharma, he at once obtained the light from the sea of Dharmas accumulated by Sumeru Supreme Cloud of a Mountain of Merit and Virtue Buddha throughout past lives.
Then, at that time, that Thus Come One, Sumeru Supreme Cloud of a Mountain of Merit and Virtue Buddha, wishing to temper the multitude of living beings in that oceanic assembly in his Way-place. All the living beings who came from the ten directions to congregrate at that Way-place could be likened to a great ocean. For that multitude, he spoke the sutra of universally gathering in the dharmas of self-mastery of all the Buddhas of the three periods of time. He drew together the complete Storehouse of Dharmas spoken by all the Buddhas of the past, present, and future.
That Sutra had sutras as many as fine motes of dust in a world system as its retinue—it was accompanied by that many other sutras. By speaking that Sutra, the Buddha was according with the hearts of living beings. Thus he caused them all to obtain benefit. The Buddha spoke Dharma which accorded with the thoughts in the minds of all those living beings, so as to assure that all of them would obtain benefit and a sense of well being.
As soon as great awesome light Bodhisattva heard this dharma, he became immersed in the light of the Buddha. Among all the living beings in that great assembly, the Prince Great Awesome Light received the most benefit. Since he had previously been certified to ten kinds of Dharma-doors, now he’s become Great Awesome Light Bodhisattva.
When Great Awesome Light Bodhisattva heard the Dharma spoken by Sumeru Supreme Cloud of a Mountain of Merit and Virtue Buddha—that is, the sutra of Universally Gathering in the Dharmas of self-mastery of all the Buddhas of the three periods of time, he at once obtained supremely great benefit: the light from the sea of Dharmas accumulated by sumeru supreme cloud of a mountain of merit and virtue Buddha throughout past lives. He immediately obtained all the merit and virtue which Sumeru Supreme Cloud of a Mountain of Merit and Virtue Buddha had gained from all the doors of practice he cultivated during his former lives. All that Buddhadharma had accumulated to form the light of that sea of Dharmas, that is, the light from the attainment of Prajna wisdom.
This passage teaches us that each and every living being should bring forth the great resolve for Bodhi. Following the Bodhisattva Path and holding the Bodhisattva Precepts is what’s meant by bringing forth the initial resolve for Bodhi.
“He obtained: the light of wisdom from the samadhi of the multitude of Dharmas as being level and equal; the light of wisdom from all the Dharmas of dwelling in the initial resolve for Bodhi; the light of wisdom from the pure eye of universal light treasury, which pervades the the directions of the dharma realm; the light of wisdom from contemplating the sea of all Buddhas’ Dharmas and vast vows; the light of wisdom from entering the boundless sea of the merit and virtue of pure practices; the light of wisdom from the storehouse of the great strength and agility to remain propelled toward non-retreat; the light of wisdom from having limitless powers of change and transformation to escape the wheel within the Dharma realm;
the light of wisdom from decisively entering the sea of the perfection of limitless merit and virtue; the light of wisdom from fully fathoming the sea of decisive discernments and splendid accomplishments; the light of wisdom from completely comprehending the sea of the Buddhas’ spiritual penetrations which enable them to appear before all living beings boundlessly throughout the dharma realm; the light of wisdom from thoroughly understanding the dharmas of all Buddhas’ powers and fearlessnesses.
“At that time, Great Awesome Light Bodhisattva obtained limitless lights of wisdom such as those, and relying on the Buddha’s awesome strength, he spoke verses saying:
Many of the Dharma referred to here are regularly expounded upon by all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. He obtained: The light of wisdom from the samadhi of the multitude of Dharmas as being level and equal. All Dharmas are gathered together, they are interpenetrating and mutually unobstructing. That is what’s meant by their being ‘level and equal.”
Great Awesome Light Bodhisattva obtained the benefit of the light of many kinds of wisdom: “The light of wisdom from all the Dharmas of dwelling in the initial resolve for bodhi. Right at the time of the initial resolve, one attains proper and equal enlightenment. To have the initial resolve, that single thought, is extremely important. That first thought for Bodhi is the source of all Bodhisattvas. It’s also the origin of the attainment of Buddhahood, and the prelude ot becoming a Buddha. Therefore, at the time of the initial resolve, all Dharmas are understood, and one obtains this kind of light of wisdom.
“The light of wisdom from the pure eye of universal light treasury, which pervades the ten directions of the Dharma Realm. One is able to see clearly even to the bounds of empty space and the Dharma Realm. “The Universal Light Treasury which pervades the ten directions of the Dharma Realm” is the great storehouse of wisdom, which pervades all places. One attains that kind of clear understanding, that fundamental wisdom.
“The light of wisdom from entering—from attaining the wisdom of–the boundless sea of the merit and virtue of pure practices. The light of wisdom from the storehouse of the great strength and agility to remain propelled toward non-retreat.” “Agility” refers to having the ability to escape this realm of existence. “Non-retreat” from the Bodhi Mind, means to attain unrelenting vigor, without ever slacking off—to attain the Three Irreversibilities: irreversibility in position, irreversibility in thought, and irreversibility in practice. This is the storehouse of the strength and ability to be greatly vigorous, strong, and persevering in one’s cultivation.
The light of wisdom from having limitless powers of change and transformation to escape the wheel within the dharma realm. That is, to have the light of wisdom to escape the wheel of suffering.
The light of wisdom from decisively entering the sea of the perfection of limitless merit and virtue. When one’s mind is decisive and free of doubt, then one can perfect a sea of limitless merit and virtue. Every Buddha has attained the light of wisdom from fully fathoming the sea of decisive discernments and splendid accomplishments. They definitively understand all Dharmas of the Way, and have reached that understanding with resolute minds. “Splendid accomplishments” refer to that wisdom-light, also obtained by Great Awesome Light Bodhisattva.
He also attained the light of wisdom from completely comprehending the sea of the Buddhas’ spiritual penetrations which enable them to appear before all living beings boundlessly throughout the Dharma Realm. Every single Buddha has the use of spiritual penetrations which enables him to appear directly before all living beings, in order to subdue, teach, and transform them. And Great Awesome Light Bodhisattva obtained that kind of wisdom-light. And he obtained the light of wisdom from thoroughly understanding all the dharmas of all Buddhas’ spiritual powers and fearlessnesses.
At that time, Great Awesome Light Bodhisattva obtained limitless lights of wisdom such as those just spoken about, and then relying on all the Buddhas’ great awesome spiritual strength to fortify his own, He spoke verses, saying…The Buddhas bestowed wisdom upon him, causing him to speak these verses in accord with the Buddhadharma.
Hearing the Buddha’s wonderful Dharma
I have obtained lights of wisdom,
Thereby seeing the World Honored Ones’
Endeavors from ancient times past.Every place where they took birth,
Their various names and characteristics,
To their making of offerings to all Buddhas
Such things I witnessed entirely.How from time now ancient, in those Buddhas’ dwellings,
They served and attended them, each and all,
Cultivated and practiced through limitless kalpas,
To adorn and make pure all kshetra seas;How they renounced their own physical bodies
Extensively, and without exhaustion,
While cultivating most supreme conduct,
To adorn and make pure all kshetra seas.Commentary:
Before the time Great Awesome Light became a Bodhisattva, and while still a prince, he was quite brilliant. Because he had cultivated in the past, his memory was strong and precise, and his good roots were thick and deep. Thus, when he heard the Buddha speak the Dharma, he became greatly enlightened. He also obtained the five eyes and six spiritual penetrations, and because of that, he was able to comprehend the Buddhas’ doors of cultivation which they had practiced throughout all their former lives. He was able to personally witness it all.
Therefore, he says here: from hearing the Buddha’s speaking of this inconceivably wonderful dharma/ I have obtained lights of wisdom. Instantaneously, he obtained the light of wisdom and the five eyes and six spiritual penetrations, thereby seeing the World Honored Ones’/ endeavors from ancient times past, as well as all the Bodhisattvas’ Dharma-doors of cultivation and practice. He was able to see all the Buddhas’ long-term cultivation of giving ,precepts, patience, vigor, samadhi, and wisdom.
Therefore, the Bodhisattva goes on to describe how he could see all the Buddha in every place where they took birth. He witnessed them being born throughout their successive past lives, and he knew what places they were born in, what their surnames were, what their given names were, and all the doors of practice that they cultivated during those lives.
He knew what their various names were and what their physical characteristics were like—their heights and figures and facial features—throughout successive lives, each of which was different.
He continued to witness such things, extending to the Buddhas’ making of offerings to all Buddhas. Great Awesome Light Bodhisattva knew how all Buddhas throughout all their past lives had brought forth the resolve to make offerings to all Buddhas before they themselves had become Buddhas, and specifically how Sumeru Supreme Cloud of a Mountain of Merit and Virtue Buddha had done so.
Such things I witnessed entirely:
I could see all those Buddhas’ various doors of practice.
What is dufficult to practice, they could practice;
What is difficult to endure, they could endure.Great Awesome Light Bodhisattva also saw how from time now ancient, in those Buddhas’ dwellings—all the way-places where they lived throughout the past—they served and attended them, each and all. All those Buddhas themselves had drawn near to, served, and made offerings to those other Buddhas who had become Buddhas before them, and they cultivated and practiced like that through limitless kalpas,to adorn and make pure all kshetra seas.
Great Awesome Light saw how they renounced their own physical bodies. In their cultivation of those doors of practice, not only did the Buddhas renounce their external wealth, but they gave away the inner wealth of their own bodies, as well. For the sake of living beings, they gave up their very lives one knows not how many times, extensively and without exhaustion. They cultivated on an extremely vast scale all such difficult-to-practice Dharma-doors, while cultivating most supreme conduct,/ to adorn and make pure all kshetra seas, the seas of all Buddhalands. That’s why, in our own cultivation, we want to be constantly transferring the merit in this way:
I vow that this merit and virtue
Will adorn the Buddha’s Pure Land,
Repaying four kinds of kindness above,
And aiding those below in three paths of suffering.May those who see and hear,
Soon bring forth the Bodhi heart,
And when this retribution body is done,
Be born together in the Land of Ultimate Bliss.With this transference, all the seas of Buddhalands are adorned. And now we, too, are cultivating that door of practice—we are also adorning all Buddhalands. Don’t fail to recognize what doors of practice you are cultivating. Don’t have any doubt about what use there is in “singing songs every day.” Don’t have that kind of deviant knowledge and deviant views.
Ears, noses, heads, hands, and feet,
As well as all their palaces—
They gave up without exhaustion,
To adorn and make pure all kshetra seas.In each and every world they were able—
Throughout inconceivable, millions of aeons—
To practice and cultivate Bodhi conduct,
And adorn and make pure all kshetra seas.Commentary:
The Bodhisattva Great Awesome Light said, “Throughout long ages past, the Buddhas gave up their ears, noses, and heads, along with their hands and feet. When the causes and conditions were right, they were able to renounce even those, as well as all their palaces. Ears, noses, heads hands, and feet are all examples of inner wealth. Then there’s outer wealth—one’s countries, cities, wives, children, and palaces. Giving up all those is exactly what is meant by:
Giving up what is difficult to renounce;
Being patient with what is difficult to endure.What is difficult to cultivate, they were able to cultivate. Therefore, the Bodhisattva says, they gave them up without exhaustion. They gave up the various kinds of inner and outer wealth to such an extent it could never be measured, so as to adorn and make pure all kshetra seas.
In each and every world they were able—throughout all the seas of Buddhalands, for inconceivable, millions of aeons—to practice and cultivate bodhi conduct. In every world, from time immemorial, they have cultivated the doors of practice of the Bodhisattva Way, to adorn and make pure all kshetra seas. With the purity gained from all those various kinds of merit and virtue, they adorned all the seas of Buddhalands.
By the strength of Universal Worthy’s vows,
Amid the ocean of all Buddhas,
They cultivated limitless conduct,
To adorn and make pure all kshetra seas.Just as it is by the sun’s brilliant light
One is able to see the solar disc,
So too I, by the light of the Buddha’s wisdom,
See the Way practiced by all the Buddhas.I regard the oceans of all Buddhalands
Pure and brilliant, vast in scope.
In still quiescence I’m certified to Bodhi,
And completely pervade the entire Dharma Realm.Commentary:
Great Awesome Light Bodhisattva says, by the strength of universal worthy’s vows – when all those Buddhas cultivated the many various doors of practice, they based themselves on the great power of the conduct and vows of Universal Worthy Bodhisattva. Amid the ocean of all Buddhas, they cultivated limitless conduct, to adorn and make pure all kshetra seas. The Bodhisattva indicates here how in past times those Buddhas cultivated under the guidance of many other Buddhas. They used the purity gained from the cultivation of all kinds of merit and virtue to adorn the seas of all Buddhalands.
Just as it is by the sun’s brilliant light one is able to see the solar disc, so too I, by the light of the Buddha’s wisdom, see the way practiced by all the Buddhas. When the sun’s bright light shines upon the great earth, illumining the atmosphere, people are able to see the basic substance of the sun. “Now I have awakened to the light of the Buddha’s wisdom, and therefore I am able to see all the doors of practice and the Way cultivated by all the Buddhas throughout ages past,” says Great Awesome Light Bodhisattva.
I regard the oceans of Buddhalands. I contemplate as I view all those seas of kshetras—pure and brilliant, vast in scope—they all shine with a clear and splendid light. In still quiescence I’m certified to Bodhi, and completely pervade the entire dharma realm. To the bounds of empty space and the Dharma Realm, I pervade the Dharma-body of the Buddhas.
I should emulate the World Honored One and vastly make pure the seas of all worlds. By the power of the Buddha’s awesome spirit, I should cultivate the Bodhi conduct.
“Disciples of the Buddha! At that time, Great Awesome Light Bodhisattva, from having seen, served, and made offerings to Sumeru Supreme Cloud of a Mountain of Merit and Virtue Buddha, then in the presence of that Thus Come One, obtained an enlightened mind. And, for the sake of all living beings, he manifested the sea of the Thus Come One’s practices from remote times past; he manifested the clever expedients practiced by bodhisattvas from remote times past; he manifested the sea of merit and virtue of all Buddhas; he manifested the pure wisdom of universally entering all Dharma realms; he manifested within all Way-places the power of self-mastery in accomplishing Buddhahood; he manifested the Buddhas non-differentiating wisdom, powers, and fearlessnesses; he manifested the universally-appearing body of the Thus Come Ones; he manifested the Buddhas’ inconceivable spiritual transformation; he manifested the purification and adornment of limitless Buddhalands; he manifested all the practices and vows of Universal Worthy Bodhisattva.
“Thus he caused as many living beings as there are dust motes in Mount Sumeru to bring forth the Bodhi mind. He enabled as many living beings as there are dust motes in Buddhalands to perfect the pure lands of the Thus Come Ones.
“Thereupon, for the sake of Great Awesome Light Bodhisattva, Sumeru Supreme Cloud of a Mountain of Merit and Virtue Buddha spoke verses, saying:
I should emulate the World Honored One, says Great Awesome Light Bodhisattva: I should cultivate so that I can be just like him, and vastly make pure the seas of all worlds. By the power of the Buddha’s awesome spirit, I should cultivate the Bodhi conduct. Relying on the Buddha’s spiritual powerd, I too should cultivate the doors of practice of a Bodhisattva.
“Disciples of the Buddha! At that time, Great Awesome Light Bodhisattva, from having seen, served, and made offerings to Sumeru Supreme Cloud of a Mountain of Merit and Virtuee Buddha, then in the presence of that Thus Come One, obtained an enlightened mind. He gained clear and lucid understanding. And, for the sake of all living beings and his own retinues, he manifested the sea of the Thus Come One’s practices from remote times past. He manifested the same cultivation-doors of practice and the ocean of vows which the Buddha himself had manifested throughout lifetime after lifetime, throughout limitless ages past.
“He manifested the clever expedients practiced by Bodhisattvas from remote times past. Bodhisattva Great Awesome Light manifested the way in which the Buddha, Sumeru Supreme Cloud of a Mountain of Merit and Virtue, had used all sorts of expedient means in his practice of the Bodhisattva Way. Again and again he manifested the pure wisdom of universally entering all Dharma Realms. He used wisdom which was pure and speech which was pure to pervade all Dharma Realms.
“He manifested within all the Buddhas’ way-places as he displayed the power of self-mastery in accomplishing buddhahood. He manifested the Buddhas’ non-differentiating wisdom of dequality, which goes beyond discriminative thinking, as well as the ten powers and four fearlessnesses, which all Buddhas also have. He manifested the universally-appearing body of the Thus Come Ones. He manifested the Buddhas’ inconceivable spiritual penetrations and a myriad transformations identical to theirs.
“He manifested the purification and adornment of limitless Buddhalands. He used limitless adornments to purify the Buddhalands. He manifested and practiced all the practices and vows of Universal Worthy Bodhisattva.
“Thus he caused as many living beings as there are dust motes in Mount Sumeru to bring forth the bodhi mind, and to practice the Bodhisattva Way. Also, he enabled as many living beings as there are dust motes in Buddhalands to perfect the pure lands of the Thus Come Ones.
“Thereupon, for the sake of disciple Great Awesome Light Bodhisattva, Sumeru Supreme Cloud of a Mountain of Merit and Virtue Buddha spoke verses, saying a little more.
Good indeed, Great Awesome Light,
O treasury of blessing, of vast renown!
In order to benefit living beings,
You have excelled in the Bodhi way.You have obtained wisdom’ light
Completely pervading the Dharma Realm,
As well as vast blessings and lofty virtue.
Your wisdom will soon be as deep as the sea.In a single land you have cultivated,
Through kalpas equal to dust motes in kshetras.
Now that you have seen me,
You should obtain wisdom which is thus.Commentary:
This Buddha, Sumeru Supreme Cloud of a Mountain of Merit and Virtue, spoke verses in praise of Great Awesome Light Bodhisattva, saying good indeed! Excellent, great awesome light, O you treasury of blessings. In the past you cultivated a tremendous amount of blessings, so that now they are inexhaustible and limitless. You are also one of vast renown! Many people know of you, honor, and respect you. In order to benefit living beings—because you wanted to help them—you have excelled in the bodhi way. You resolved to personally cultivate and then, without the slightest hesitation, practiced the Way to Bodhi.
You have obtained wisdom’ light. Now that you’ve seen the Buddha, you’ve obtained lights of wisdoms, completely pervading the Dharma Realm. You can see everything to the ends of empty space and the Dharma Realm, and you understand the principles which govern it all. You have accomplished all that, as well as extraordinary, vast blessings and exceptionally lofty virtue. Your wisdom will soon be as deep as the sea. You should, before long, obtain profound, oceanic wisdom, become enlightened, and be certified to Buddhahood.
In a single land you have cultivated and practiced, through kalpas equal to dust motes in kshetras—in Buddhalands. Now that you have seen me, you should obtain wisdom which is thus. Just like me, you cultivated and practiced through aeons of time, and now the opportunities have ripened for you to obtain wisdom like this.
By never being of lowly conduct,
One can understand clever expedients
And obtain the power of great vigor,
With which to purify kshetra seas.Within each and every mote of dust,
Cultivating through infinite time
Such a person as this is able
To adorn all the Buddhalands.For each and every living beings,
You turn on the wheel, throughout oceans of time,
Your mind never growing lax or weary.
The worlds’ guiding master you soon should become.Commentary:
By never being of lowly conduct, one can understand clever expedients. On the other hand, if one doesn’t do a good job of cultivating, if one’s practices are inferior, then one won’t be able to understand the Dharma-doors of skill-in-means and obtain the power of great vigor, with which to purify kshetra seas. By conducting oneself in a noble manner, one is able to purify and adorn all the seas of Buddhalands.
Within each and every mote of dust, of each and every world realm, you’ve been cultivating the Bodhi Way through infinite time—such a person as this is able to adorn all the Buddhalands. With the blessings and wisdom and many various kinds of merit and virtue you have gained from your extensive cultivation, you are able to adorn all the Buddhalands.
For each and every living being, you turn on the wheel, throughout oceans of time. In order to benefit all living beings, you came and went countlessly many times, revolving within the six paths of rebirth, for as many lifetimes as there are motes of dust in an aeon, enough to fill vast ocean, and yet with your mind never growing lax or weary. Because you were so concerned over living beings and wished to bring them benefit and to teach and transform them, you never once gave way to fatigue or negligence. Therefore, the worlds’ guiding master you soon should become. Because you are that way, you should soon attain Buddhahood.
You make offerings to all Buddhas,
Even to the bounds of the future,
Your mind never fatigued or satisfied.
You shall soon attain the unsurpassed Way.All Buddhas of the three periods of time
Will help you quickly fulfill your vows,
And within the assemblies of all Buddhas,
You will, in person, peacefully abide.Commentary:
In cultivating the Way, one should draw near to and make offerings to the Buddhas. You make offerings to all Buddhas, even to the bounds of the future. The Prince Great Awesome Light brought forth the resolve to make offerings to all Buddhas, even to the ends of all time, in order to pay homage to them. He was replete with a mind that never became fatigued or satisfied. He completely dedicated his life to his quest of the Dharma, to the point that he forgot everything else entirely. And so there was never a time when he got upset. You shall soon attain the unsurpassed way. Because you are so sincere, it’s certain that in the future you will reach the Unsurpassed Way.
There are people who work during the day, and then attend sutra lectures every night. That is an example of what is meant in this sutra passage. For the sake of the Dharma, such people are not afraid to forget physical comfort. However, different people have different levels of sincerity.
The assembly of all Buddhas of the three periods of time—past, present, and future–will help you to quickly fulfill your vows. They have brought forth the mind of kindness and compassion toward you, and they will help you to fulfill all the vows that you have made. And within the assemblies of all Buddhas, you will, in person, peacefully abide. You’ll be able to participate in the Assemblies of the Buddhas, draw near to the Buddhas, and make offerings to them. You will harmoniously dwell in their Way-places.
All Thus Come Ones’ vows
And resolutions have no end.
One whose wisdom vastly penetrates
Can understand such expedients.Great light made offerings to me:
Thus he obtains great awesome power
To enable beings in number like dust motes
To mature in their inclination to Bodhi.All who practice like Universal Worthy,
Become renown Bodhisattvas.
They adorn seas of Buddhalands,
As they entirely pervade the Dharma RealmCommentary:
All Thus Come One’s vows/and resolutions have no end. One whose wisdom vastly penetrates/can understand such expedients. All the Buddhas of the ten directions and three periods of time bring forth vows that are boundless—limitless. Great Awesome Light Bodhisattva made offerings to me, Sumeru Supreme Clouds of a mountain of Merit and Virtue, extensively, over a vast expanse of time. He also made offerings to all other Buddhas in the same way, and because of that he now obtains great awesome power/ to enable beings in number like dust motes/to mature in their inclination toward bodhi, so they continue to tend on the Path toward Bodhi.
All who practice like universal Worthy, become renown Bodhisattvas—great Bodhisattvas of high repute. They adorn seas of Buddhalands, as they entirely pervade the dharma realm with the awesome power of the light of wisdom.
“Disciples of the Buddha, you ought to know, within that great, adorned kalpa, there were small kalpas as many as grains of sand in the Ganges River. The average lifespan of its people was two small kalpas.
“Disciples of the Buddha, that Buddha, Sumeru Supreme Cloud of a Mountain of Merit and Virtue, lived for fifty kotis of years. After his extinction, another Buddha entered the world by the name of ‘Good King Adorned with Eyes of Prajna,’ who, within that great forest Wheels of Blossoming Mani Branches, like wise attained proper enlightenment.
Commentary ;
Universal Worthy Bodhisattva proclaims with a single sound, “All of you disciples of the Buddha, you ought to know, within that great, adorned kalpa, there were small kalpas as many as grains of sand in the ganges river. The average lifespan of its people was two small kalpas Nearly everyone who lived in that world at that time was endowed with such a long lifespan.
“Disciples of the Buddha, that Buddha, sumeru supreme cloud of a mountain of merit and virtue, lived for fifty kotis of years. During the Great Adorned Kalpa, very many Buddhas entered the world. Then the Buddha sumeeru Supreme Cloud of a Mountain of Merit and Virtue entered Nirvana. After his extinction, another Buddha entered the world, by the name of ‘good king adorned with eyes of prajna wisdom’, the ‘wisdom that reaches the other shore.’He also appeared in that great forest Wheels of Blossoming Mani Branches, and like the Buddha sumereu Supreme Cloud of a Mountain of Merit and Virtue, he attained proper enlightenment; while seated beneath a great flowering tree in the forest, he attained Buddhahood and taught and transformed living beings.