Transformation of a Bodhisattva,
Footsteps of an Ascetic Monk

l974 Berkeley

The Master hosted a Dharma Gathering to Liberate the Living at the Berkeley Marina in l974 on the Anniversary of the Enlightenment of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

The message of liberating the living: Oppression, wars, and killing can be rooted out without violence if we respect the right of beings to live and be free, and if we liberate them. By transforming our own hostile, aggressive, and jealous thoughts into hearts of compassion and peace; by liberating creatures whose lives are doomed, we can liberate ourselves and the world from the effects that killing karma brings about.


In the early years of the Master's teaching, the assembly was primarily composed of Westerners who, regardless of their race and cultural backgrounds, knew virtually nothing about the traditional principles and practices of orthodox Buddhism. Thus, it was necessary for the Master to guide and direct, to teach and explain each procedure, ritual, ceremony and so forth over and over until the growing group of disciples who always followed him assimilated the knowledge and understanding.


As the number of disciples who wished to leave the home-life grew, the Master needed to find larger facilities. A portion of his time and energy and much of his blood, sweat, and toil were spent in searching for appropriate places and facilities to house Buddhist monasteries, translation institutes, schools and training centers, homes for the elderly, lay housing, temples, and lecture halls.

In those early days, the Master was always the first one up a mountain and the last one to tire as he out-paced and out-lasted all the young disciples during these hunting expeditions.

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