The stream that runs through CTTB...

Venerable Master Hsuan Hua:
Our recitation of Gwan Yin Bodhisattva's name should continue non-stop, like a flowing stream, until everything becomes one. Walking, standing, sitting, and lying down, we recite the name of Gwan Yin. We must pay close attention and not forget Gwan Yin's name in thought after thought. Each recitation must be clear and distinct; and we certainly shouldn't fall asleep or have idle thoughts while reciting. We must recite singlemindedly, thinking of nothing but the words 'Namo Gwan Shi Yin Bodhisattva,' not leaving the name whether we are walking, standing, sitting, or lying down.

Venerable Master Hua's commentary on the Prologue:
The Buddha’s body has inexhaustible transformations, so he is constantly either transformationally creating bodies that are suns, moon, and stars to shine upon living beings, or else transforming into mountains, rivers, lakes, streams, and seas to moisten living beings, or even transforming into mountains, rivers, and great earth to produce and nurture living beings...

Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva:
I may appear as a mountain, a forest, a stream, a spring, a river, a lake, a fountain, or a well in order to benefit people. I use all these ways to save beings.
Venerable Master Hua's commentary:
I may appear as a mountain, a forest, a stream, a spring, a river, a lake, a fountain, or a well in order to benefit people. You see! Earth Store Sutra says a mountain or a forest, a stream or a meadow are all transformations of Tathagata’s Dharma Body...

Venerable Master Hua's commentary on the Prologue:
If one probes the source, there is no duality. If you look for water’s source, there is only going to be one, not two. A single water source divides up into a thousand or ten thousand different kinds of flows: rivers, streams, lakes, and seas. But if you trace them back to their origin, they only have a single source. So if one probes the source, there is no duality. If one grasps at the traces, there is multiplicity. There being no duality when one probes the source is returning the branch-tips to the root. Then they are one.

The Avatamsaka Sutra:
When I see flowing water,
I vow that sentient beings
Will realize wholesome aspirations,
And wash away delusion’s filth...

Moving with gentleness, water can overcome even the hardest obstacles...

Water accomodates what is in its path and keeps advancing...

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