Words and music by former Bhikshuni Heng Yin (Loni Baur)
Where did it go (my body....)
I loved it so (my body...)
So cute so fine!
This body of mine.
My body was the cutest thing.
Gave it the best of ev'rything
Plenty of fresh air and exercise.
Vitamins and minerals and apple pies.
Plenty of sleep.
Plenty of friends.
Rode it around in a Mercedes Benz.
Then it came time to die—left and never said goodbye.
And when it died it got so big and green.
So many worms,
You've never seen.
All my old friends quit the scene,
smelled just like an old latrine.
Then the birds joined in the feast.
They didn't mind the stink the least.
Now all's left is bones so bleached.
Who would have guessed it would happen to me?
(half spoken) Now it's ashes to ashes,
Dust to dust.
All because of hate and lust.
Sure seems like we make a lot of fuss,
Over something that's just blood and pus.
So take a tip from a ghost like me,
Your body's gonna leave you wait and see.
Better cultivate while you can my friend
'cause when it's all over it's really the end.
Take a tip from a ghost like me,
Your body's gonna leave you wait and see.
Better cultivate while you can my friend
'cause when it's all over it's really the end, really the end.