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The Wondrous Adornments of the Rulers of the Worlds
Chapter One, Part Four and Five
Moreover, Earth-ruling Spirit Pure Flower of Universal Virtue gained a passage into liberation of universally contemplating all sentient beings in thought after thought with a compassionate heart. Earth-ruling Spirit Solid Blessings and Adornment gained a passage into liberation of universally making appear all sentient beings’ power of blessings and virtue. Earth-ruling Spirit Wondrous Flowers Ornamenting Trees gained a passage into liberation of universally entering all dharmas and producing the adornments of all Buddhalands.
Moreover, to elaborate further upon principles that were not fully explained before, the text brings up Earth-ruling Spirit Pure Flower of Universal Virtue, who universally inspires thoughts of merit and virtue in sentient beings. The earth has spirits watching over it. Without these spirits, all the dust on the earth would scatter and disperse, and there would be no earth to speak of. So, spirits have to watch over the earth. This spirit gained a state within the Buddhadharma, a passage into liberation of seeing the Buddha universally contemplating all sentient beings in thought after thought with a compassionate heart. In every thought, the Buddha is mindful of sentient beings and wishes to teach and transform them. With a compassionate heart, he wants to eradicate their suffering and give them joy.
Earth-ruling Spirit Solid Blessings and Adornment also inspires sentient beings to make the bodhi resolve and enter the sea of merit and virtue. She gained a passage into liberation of universally making appear all sentient beings’ power of blessings and virtue. She enables all sentient beings to increase the strength of their blessings and virtue through the cultivation of blessings, wisdom, and virtue. She attained that passage into liberation.
Earth-ruling Spirit Wondrous Flowers Ornamenting Trees gained a passage into liberation of universally entering all dharmas and producing the adornments of all Buddhalands. She causes the lands of all Buddhas in the ten directions to become subtly and wonderfully adorned. That was her passage into liberation.
Earth-ruling Spirit Universally Scattering the Myriad Gems gained a passage into liberation of cultivating all kinds of samadhis, enabling sentient beings to cast out obstructive defilements. Earth-ruling Spirit Pure Eyes Contemplating Time gained a passage into liberation of enabling all sentient beings to always travel about in joyful play. Earth-ruling Spirit Golden Color and Wondrous Eyes gained a passage into liberation of displaying all kinds of pure bodies to tame and subdue sentient beings.
Earth-ruling Spirit Universally Scattering the Myriad Gems knows that sentient beings like precious things, so she scatters them everywhere—gold, silver, vaidurya, crystal, carnelian, red pearls, and coral. She strews the seven treasures about, and sentient beings who have affinities obtain them. She gained a passage into liberation of cultivating all kinds of samadhis, enabling sentient beings to cast out obstructive defilements. She understands that the Buddha cultivated all the different kinds of samadhi when he was at the level of planting causes. Since the Buddha obtained samadhi, he was able to help sentient beings get rid of their karmic hindrances and defiled thoughts. This spirit gained this passage into liberation.
Earth-ruling Spirit Pure Eyes Contemplating Time gained a passage into liberation of enabling all sentient beings to always travel about in joyful play. This Earth-ruling Spirit knows how to teach sentient beings according to their conditions. She knows that sentient beings like to play and be happy, and she understands how the Buddha always let sentient beings play and have fun, using that kind of samadhi to teach and transform beings. That is her passage into liberation.
Earth-ruling Spirit Golden Color and Wondrous Eyes gained a state of the Buddha, a passage into liberation of everywhere dzisplaying all kinds of pure, wonderfulDharma bodies to tame and subdue sentient beings. She subdues obstinate sentient beings until they are no longer obstinate; she makes angry and hateful beings become joyful. She tames all the sentient beings who are difficult to tame. This Earth-ruling Spirit attained this passage into liberation.
Sutra:Earth-ruling Spirit Fragrant Shining Hairs gained a passage into liberation of understanding the sea of merit and virtue and the tremendous, awesome power of all Buddhas.
Earth-ruling Spirit Fragrant Shining Hairs must have a hairy body. Most people’s body hair smells of sweat and grime. Cowhair gives off a rank odor, and horse hair smells of horses. In America there is a kind of animal that causes a stink, and it can be said to have stinky fur. This Earth-ruling Spirit, however, has fragrant hair. Her hairs give off a fragrance. People who uphold the precepts purely emit fragrance. Those who are not pure in the precepts have a stench about them. They smell worse than fish. No matter what deodorant or perfume they apply, they still stink. This Earth-ruling Spirit’s hairs are not only fragrant, but also radiant. As a result of cultivating pure Dharma, she has a pure, fragrant light.
She gained a passage into liberation of understanding the sea of merit and virtue and the tremendous, awesome power of all Buddhas. As a result of having cultivated a sea of merit and virtue, the Buddhas have great awesome power. All cultivators should possess such great awesome power. When you are afraid to lecture on the sutras in front of certain audiences, you have been intimidated and overwhelmed by the awesome presence of those audiences. If you yourself possess great awesome spiritual power, then no matter who comes to listen, you will not be afraid. Even if the president or the emperor is listening, it’s all the same to you. Earth-ruling Spirit Fragrant Shining Hairs entered this passage into liberation.
Earth-ruling Spirit Delightful Still Sounds gained a passage into liberation of universally gathering in the sea of all sentient beings’ sounds of speech.
The next Earth-ruling Spirit is named Delightful Still Sounds. “Still sound” actually refers to silence—the absence of sound—which is the sound of samadhi. This sound delights the minds of sentient beings. Although they cannot hear this sound, they sense it in their minds and feel extremely joyful. This sound can be likened to invisible waves of current that make one feel very happy. This Earth-ruling Spirit gained a passage into liberation of universally gathering in the sea of all sentient beings’ sounds of speech. This passage into liberation of universally gathering in sentient beings’ sounds and speech is comparable to the function of a radio. It is said, “Silence surpasses the presence of sound.” Silence gathers in all the sounds of sentient beings’ movements. Earth-ruling Spirit Delightful Still Sounds attains this state of the Buddha and enters this passage into liberation.
Earth-ruling Spirit Topknot of Exquisite Flowers gained a passage into liberation of perceiving the immaculate nature filling up the lands of Buddhas.
Earth-ruling Spirit Topknot of Exquisite Flowers has inconceivably many wondrous, fragrant flowers, which are coiled clockwise to form a precious topknot, hence her name. She gained a state of the Buddha in which she perceives the Buddha’s fragrant light shining everywhere. Clouds of fragrance and flowers come forth from every pore of the Buddha, pervading the Dharma Realms of the ten directions. This is a passage into liberation of perceiving the immaculate nature filling up the lands of Buddhas. The lands of the Buddhas are just the Dharma Realms of the ten directions. When sentient beings see these clouds and smell their fragrance, they renounce all defiled thoughts and regain their pure, original substance. This spirit attained this passage into liberation.
Earth-ruling Spirit Universally Supported by Vajra gained a passage into liberation of seeing the universal appearance of those who are gathered in and supported by the Dharma wheels of all Buddhas.
At that time, Earth-ruling Spirit Pure Flower of Universal Virtue received the Buddha’s awesome spiritual power, universally contemplated the multitudes of Earth-ruling Spirits, and spoke the following verse.
Earth-ruling Spirit Universally Supported by Vajra rules over earth that is as solid and indestructible as vajra, hence her name. She gained a passage into liberation of seeing the universal appearance of those who are gathered in and supported by the Dharma wheels of all past, present, and future Buddhas throughout the ten directions. Although we have come into the world after Shakyamuni Buddha entered nirvana, the Buddhadharma being expounded now is still the same as the Dharma spoken by all Buddhas of the past. The Dharma is mutually supportive. This Dharma connects with that Dharma, and that Dharma connects with this Dharma. The Dharma spoken by this Buddha was already spoken by that Buddha. The Dharma spoken by that Buddha is now spoken by this Buddha. It all perfectly interpenetrates without obstruction. The Way of all Buddhas is the same, and the Dharma wheel of the Buddhas turns ceaselessly.
When the Buddha turns the Dharma wheel, all sentient beings are gathered in and guided to cultivate in accord with the Dharma, and in the future they will all come into the world and manifest the attainment of Buddhahood. Earth-ruling Spirit Universally Supported by Vajra attained this passage into liberation.
At that time, Earth-ruling Spirit Universal Virtue Pure Flower received the Buddha’s awesome spiritualpower, universally contemplated the multitudes of Earth-ruling Spirits, and spoke the following verse.
The Thus Come One, in thought after thought in the past, Employed ineffable means of great kindness and compassion. Cultivating in this way without end,
He thereby attained a solid, indestructible body.Sentient beings and Bodhisattvas in the three periods of time,
As well as all the blessings accumulated,
Are fully manifest in the Thus Come One’s pores.
Blessings and Adornment sees this and rejoices.Commentary:
The Thus Come One, the Buddha, in thought after thought when he was cultivating all kinds of practices in the past at the level of planting causes, constantly cultivated the Samadhi of Kindheartedness. He continually practiced the Dharma doors of kindness, compassion, joy, and giving. He treated all beings with compassion. No matter how badly beings treated him, he would draw them in with compassion. For example, as the Bodhisattva “Never-Slighting,” he would bow to people as soon as he saw them and say, “I dare not slight you, for you will all become Buddhas.” Although he dared not slight sentient beings, they would beat and scold him, calling him stupid. In spite of this, he felt compassion for them. He never got mad at them. In one of his past lives, when he was a Patient Immortal, his limbs were sliced off by King Kali, yet he felt no anger at all. These were signs of his cultivation of great kindness and compassion.
He employed ineffable means of great kindness and compassion. “Ineffable” means there were so many means one could never finish speaking of them. Cultivating in this way without end…He cultivated the Samadhi of Kindheartedness and refrained from killing sentient beings out of great compassion. His cultivation was “without end,” meaning he cultivated compassion for countless great eons. Even after achieving Buddhahood, he continued to practice the Four Unlimited Aspects of Mind of kindness, compassion, joy, and giving. He thereby attained a solid, indestructible body. Since the Buddha refrained from hurting other sentient beings, his own body was as solid as vajra—it was invulnerable to harm or injury.
Therefore, we should be clear about cause and effect. Why would someone kill us? We must have killed someone in a past life. Why would people scold us? We must have scolded others in the past. Therefore, when the causes and conditions assemble, we must undergo our retribution. Since the Buddha refrained from killing, he attained an adamantine, invulnerable body. If all of us cultivated the Samadhi of Kindheartedness and refrained from killing, our bodies will also be solid, healthy, and free from illness. Why are we so unhealthy and prone to illness? We have not done a good job of holding the precept of not killing.
All sentient beings and Bodhisattvas in the three periods of time—past, present, and future, as well as all the blessings accumulated, Are fully manifest in the Thus Come One’s pores. Earth-ruling Spirit Solid Blessings and Adornment sees this state and rejoices.
Some people have a doubt about these four lines of verse. They think, “The Buddhas of the past and present should only be able to manifest sentient beings and Bodhisattvas of the past and present. Sentient beings and Bodhisattvas of the future have not come around yet, so how can the Buddhas make them appear? It doesn’t make sense.” You should know that the state of the Buddhas is inconceivable. They can move the past to the present, move the present to the future, and move the future to the past. Past, present, and future are three and yet one; one and yet three. Therefore, it is possible for them to display in their pores the merit and virtue of future sentient beings. This is like television, which also has the function of moving past to present, present to future, and future to past. If television can do this, how much the more can the Buddhas’ pores? Every pore on a Buddha’s body is like a television.
“I’m still not sure I believe this,” you say. Then let’s take dreams. Sometimes people dream about events that are not due to occur for several decades. Sometimes we also dream of long-forgotten events from decades past—events from childhood. This is also a case of moving the past into the present, the present into the future, and the future into the past. I remember that some forty years ago, I dreamed I was sitting on a Dharma seat and there were some foreigners lecturing on the Flower Adornment Sutra. I didn’t understand the vision then, but now it has become a reality! I saw this in a dream forty some years ago. Not only did I see this state, I dreamed of many others as well. Now I say to myself, “So that’s what it was.” How do you explain this? If we can see future events in dreams, then why do you doubt that the Buddha can manifest the entire Dharma realm within his pores, including the merit and virtue of past and present sentient beings?
If you have opened the Five Eyes, you can also see events of the past, present, and future. You can see, “Oh, when I was a little kid, I climbed around on the floor naked. So that’s how it was.” Or, “When I die, I’ll lie there and my breathing will stop. That’s how it will be.” Or, “I’m going to sit there and pass away.” You can see all these things. You can know what the circumstances of your death will be, how many disciples and laypeople will be at your side and who they will be.
Within a samadhi that is vast, great, and tranquil,
Unborn, undying, neither coming nor going,
The Buddha adorns and purifies lands and instructs beings.
This is the liberation of the Spirit Trees’ Flowers.Commentary:
Within a samadhi that is vast, great, and tranquil…This samadhi is the vastest and greatest. At the same time, it is still and serene, devoid of sound. This vast, still samadhi is unborn, undying, neither coming nor going. This is the Buddha’s samadhi, the Buddha’s state.
The Buddha adorns and purifies all Buddhas’ lands and instructs beings in the Dharma door of ending birth and death. This is the liberation of the Spirit Trees’ Flowers. Earth-ruling Spirit Wondrous Flowers Ornamenting Trees gains this passage into liberation.
The Buddha cultivated every sort of practice in the past
To help sentient beings eradicate their heavy obstacles.
Earth-ruling Spirit Universally Scattering the Myriad Gems
Sees this liberation and gives rise to joy.Commentary:
The Buddha cultivated for the sake of sentient beings. He saw how sentient beings had such heavy obstacles and yet did not try to eradicate them. Thus, the Buddha cultivated every sort of practice in the past / To help all sentient beings eradicate their heavy obstacles. / The Earth-ruling Spirit Universally Scattering the Myriad Gems / Sees this passage into liberation, this state of the Buddha, and gives rise to joy.
The realm of the Thus Come One has no bounds.
In thought after thought, he appears everywhere in all worlds.
Earth-ruling Spirit Pure Eyes Contemplating Time
Observes the Buddha’s deeds and rejoices in his heart.Wondrous sounds, limitless and inconceivable,
Universally extinguish afflictions of sentient beings.
The Spirit Golden Color Eyes awakens to this
And sees the Buddha’s boundless, supreme merit and virtue.The Buddha manifests transformations of all shapes and forms,
Filling up the ten directions of the Dharma Realm.
Fragrant Shining Hairs often observes the Buddha
Universally transforming sentient beings in this manner.Commentary:
The realm of cultivation of the Thus Come Onehas no bounds or limits. In thought after thought, the Buddha thinks of sentient beings, and so he appears everywhere in all worlds throughout the ten directions. Earth-ruling Spirit Pure Eyes Contemplating Time / Observes the Buddha’s deeds, his past cultivation and his present practice of teaching and transforming sentient beings, and rejoices in his heart. She feels tremendous joy.
Wondrous sounds proclaimed by the Buddha, limitless and inconceivable, / Universally extinguish the obstacles of afflictions of sentient beings. / The Spirit Golden Color Eyes awakens to this principle and sees the Buddha’s immeasurable, boundless, supreme merit and virtue.
The Buddha manifests transformations of all shapes and forms. The Buddha assumes the appearances of sentient beings of every shape and form, and then teaches and transforms those beings, filling up the ten directions of the Dharma Realm. The Buddha doesn’t do this in only one world; he does it throughout the ten directions of the Dharma Realm. Earth-ruling Spirit Fragrant Shining Hairs often observes the state of the Buddha. All the grains, fruits, and so forth, which are produced from the earth, are called “Fragrant Hairs.” The Buddha practices great kindness and compassion, universally transforming all sentient beings in this manner.
His wondrous voice extends throughout the ten directions,
Speaking to the multitudes for measureless eons.
Having understood in her heart, the Earth Spirit Delightful
Feels deep reverence and joy in listening to the Buddha.Fragrant, blazing clouds issue from the Buddha’s pores
And, according to sentient beings’ wishes, pervade the world.
All who behold this become mature.
Coiled Flowers contemplates thus.Sturdy and indestructible as vajra,
Immovable as Mount Sumeru,
Thus does the Buddha’s body dwell in the world.
Universally Supported sees this and rejoices.Commentary:
His wondrous voice as the Buddha speaks the Dharma extends throughout the ten directions, / Speaking to the multitudes for measureless eons. The Buddha’s wondrous Dharma sounds pervade the ten directions, and the duration of his speaking of Dharma spans the three periods of time—past, present, and future. Having understood this state in her heart, the Earth Spirit Delightful / Feels deep reverence and joy in listening to the Buddha speak the wonderful Dharma.
Fragrant, blazing clouds issue from the Buddha’s pores / And, according to sentient beings’ wishes, pervade the world. / All who behold this become mature. Everyone who sees the Buddha’s state achieves maturity. Coiled Flowers contemplates thus. Earth-ruling Spirit Coiled Flowers understands this principle.
The Buddha’s body is sturdy and indestructible as vajra. How did the Buddha get such a sturdy body? It was through practicing great kindness and compassion, cultivating the Samadhi of Kindheartedness, and protecting the Dharma. His resolve to protect the Dharma enabled him to attain such a solid body. Dharma protectors do not hold the precepts and rules of deportment themselves, but they wield swords and other weapons to guard the Dharma.
Once there was a Bhikshu named Jiaode, who held the precepts, but who was mistreated by other Bhikshus who did not hold precepts. The King went to war with those Bhikshus who didn’t hold precepts, and in the end was killed by them. At death, he was reborn in the Eastern Land of Akshobya Buddha, where he become that Buddha’s foremost disciple. The Bhikshu Jiaode later entered perfect stillness and was also reborn in the Eastern Vaidurya Land, to become Akshobya Buddha’s second disciple. Therefore, the merit of the one who protected the Dharma surpassed that of the one who was protected. In any case, protecting the Dharma enables one to attain a body of vajra.
As steady and immovable as Mount Sumeru, / Thus does the Buddha’s body dwell in the world. The Buddha’s body is likened to vajra and to Mount Sumeru. Earth-ruling Spirit Universally Supported sees this state of the Buddha and rejoices immensely.
Moreover, City-ruling Spirit Jeweled Peak Illumination gained a passage into liberation of expediently benefiting sentient beings. City-ruling Spirit Wondrously Adorning Palaces gained a passage into liberation of knowing sentient beings’ faculties and teaching and transforming them to bring them to maturity. City-ruling Spirit Pure Jewels of Joy gained a passage into liberation of constantly delighting in enabling all sentient beings to enjoy blessings and virtue.
Moreover, City-ruling Spirit Jeweled Peak Illumination gained a passage into liberation of expediently benefiting sentient beings. She uses various kinds of expedient methods to benefit sentient beings. She attained that state of the Buddha and that passage into liberation.
City-ruling Spirit Wondrously Adorning Palaces makes all palaces adorned and beautiful. She gained a passage into liberation of knowing sentient beings’ faculties, knowing whether their faculties are deep or shallow, and knowing what they like, and then using that knowledge in teaching and transforming them to bring them to maturity. She attained that passage into liberation.
City-ruling Spirit Pure Jewels of Joy gained a passage into liberation of constantly delighting in enabling all sentient beings to enjoy blessings and virtue. She likes to encourage sentient beings to bring forth the bodhi resolve and increase their good roots, blessings, and wisdom. She attained that passage into liberation .
City-ruling Spirit Pure and Free from Worry gained a passage into liberation of a treasury of great compassion that delivers beings from all fear. City-ruling Spirit Flower Lamps and Blazing Eyes gained a passage into liberation of universal understanding and great wisdom.
City-ruling Spirit Clear Manifestation of Blazing Banners gained a passage into liberation of expediently manifesting everywhere.
City-ruling Spirit Pure and Free from Worry makes sure that all the citizens in his city are free from worry and attain purity. She protects the city from danger, so the people have nothing to worry about. She gained a passage into liberation of a treasury of great compassion that delivers beings from all fear. With her compassionate heart, she rescues sentient beings from terrifying situations. She gives them fearlessness so that they feel no anxiety or fear. Her compassion is called a treasury because it is so immense. She attained that passage into liberation.
City-ruling Spirit Flower Lamps and Blazing Eyes gained a passage into liberation of universal understanding and great wisdom. All sentient beings attain universal understanding and have great wisdom. She attained that passage into liberation. City-ruling Spirit Clear Manifestation of Blazing Banners gained a passage into liberation of expediently manifesting everywhere. She uses expedient dharmas to appear universally before sentient beings, helping sentient beings to understand expedient dharmas and be liberated. That is her passage into liberation.
City-ruling Spirit Flourishing Blessings Awesome Brightness gained a passage into liberation of universally contemplating all sentient beings and helping them to cultivate a vast sea of blessings and virtue.
City-ruling Spirit Flourishing Blessings Awesome Brightness gained a passage into liberation of universally contemplating all sentient beings in the ten directions to see which sentient beings are ready to be saved, and helping them to cultivate a vastsea of blessings and virtue. Their blessings and virtue are as boundless as an ocean. This City-ruling Spirit attained this state of the Buddha and entered this passage into liberation.
City-ruling Spirit Body of Pure Radiance gained a passage into liberation of enlightening all foolish and dim-witted sentient beings.
City-ruling Spirit Body of Pure Radiance has a body that is both pure and radiant. This spirit also rules over a city. She gained a state and a passage into liberation of enlightening all foolish and dim-witted sentient beings. She enables foolish beings to gain wisdom, and dim-witted beings to attain brightness and “enlightenment.” Those who are blind from birth know nothing at all. People who do not understand the Buddhadharma are likened to blind people.
The Nirvana Sutra describes a person blind from birth who asked what color milk was. He was told it was the color of a (white) shell. People also compared it to the color of rice flour, the color of snow, and the color of a white crane. They used four analogies for fear that he might not understand. The person said, “If you say milk is like a shell, is it as hard as a shell? If you compare milk to rice flour, is it as soft as rice flour? If you say milk is the color of snow, is it as cold as snow? And what is snow like? If milk is white like a white crane, does it move around like a crane?” Even with four analogies, the person still had no idea what people were talking about. Foolish people who do not understand the four virtues of the Buddha’s nirvana—eternity, bliss, true self, and purity—are like the blind person who did not know what color milk was even after being given four analogies. In the overall analogy, the shell represented the virtue of eternity, rice flour represented the virtue of bliss, snow represented the virtue of purity, and the crane represented the virtue of true self.
Ordinary, ignorant people do not understand what the Buddhadharma is all about. If you explain the transcendental Dharma to them, they say, “Transcendental Dharma is included within the worldly dharma.” What they say has some truth to it. As the Sixth Patriarch Sutra says,
The Buddhadharma is here in the world.
Enlightenment is not apart from the world.
To search for bodhi apart from the world
Is like looking for a hare with horns.
When people who do not understand the Buddhadharma see this verse, they think it means there is no transcendental Dharma. They have no idea what transcendental Dharma could be. They are only familiar with worldly dharmas. The meaning behind the Sixth Patriarch’s words is that the transcendental Dharma can be found right within worldly dharmas. He was not stating that there was no such thing as transcendental Dharma. Worldly dharmas, when turned around, become transcendental Dharma. But if you turn transcendental Dharma back into worldly dharmas, you will never find the transcendental Dharma. The transcendental Dharma can be found within worldly dharmas, provided you understand it. If you lack understanding, then there is neither worldly nor transcendental Dharma. Once you understand, then the worldly is itself transcendental.Right within the mundane, you can cultivate the transcendental Dharma. This is a fundamental principle of the Buddhadharma, which the Sixth Patriarch expressed in his verse, “The Buddhadharma is here in the world. Enlightenment is not apart from the world.” You have to attain enlightenment in the world. If you are not enlightened in the world, there is no Buddhadharma to speak of. If you are enlightened, then the Buddhadharma—the transcendental Dharma—exists. Don’t seek to find some other enlightenment apart from this world. “To search for bodhi apart from the world / Is like looking for a hare with horns.” To seek bodhi outside of worldly dharmas is like looking for horns on a rabbit.
The City-ruling Spirit Body of Pure Radiance is able to enlighten all foolish and dim-witted sentient beings. She attained this passage into liberation of wisdom and light.
City-ruling Spirit Fragrant Cowl Adornment gained a passage into liberation of contemplating how the Thus Come One’s sovereign power pervasively tames sentient beings in all worlds.
City-ruling Spirit Fragrant Cowl Adornment is also known as Fragrant Banner Adornment. She rules over a city. She gained a state of the Buddha and a passage into liberation of contemplating how the Thus Come One’s sovereign and awesome power of spiritual penetrations pervasively tames sentient beings in all worlds throughout the ten directions. That’s the passage into liberation of this City-ruling Spirit.
City-ruling Spirit Jeweled Peak Bright Eyes gained a passage into liberation of using brilliant light to smash the mountain of all sentient beings’ obstructions.
At that time, City-ruling Spirit Jeweled Peak Illumination received the Buddha’s awesome spiritual power, contemplated all the multitudes of City-ruling Spirits, and spoke the following verse.
City-ruling Spirit Jeweled Peak Bright Eyes and the City-ruling Spirit Jeweled Peak Illumination are probably siblings, for their names differ by only one word. She gained a passage into liberation of using brilliant light to smash the mountain of all sentient beings’ obstructions. What is the mountain of obstructions? It is formed of greed, anger, delusion, and darkness. When the mountain of obstructions is smashed, the light of wisdom appears.
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14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23