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The Wondrous Adornments of the Rulers of the Worlds
Chapter One, Part Four and Five
VII. C.4.b. Ten “Universal” Bodhisattvas each gain one door
Moreover, Bodhisattva Mahasattva Pure Virtue’s Wondrous Light gained a passage into liberation of traveling to all the magnificent bodhimandas of the Bodhisattva assemblies in the ten directions. Bodhisattva Mahasattva Supremely Luminous Lantern of Universal Virtue gained a passage into liberation of displaying, in a single thought, infinite passages for realizing proper enlightenment; and teaching, transforming, and bringing to maturity inconceivable realms of sentient beings. Bodhisattva Mahasattva Lion Banner of Universal Light gained a passage into liberation of cultivating the Bodhisattva’s blessings and virtue in order to adorn and create all Buddhalands.
Moreover, Bodhisattva Mahasattva Pure Virtue’s Wondrous Light gained a passage into liberation of traveling to all the adorned bodhimandas of the Bodhisattva assemblies in the ten directions. He can go to all the adorned bodhimandas of the multitudes of Bodhisattvas throughout the ten directions. That is his passage into liberation.
Bodhisattva Mahasattva Supremely Luminous Lantern of Universal Virtue gained a passage into liberation of displaying, in a single thought, infinite passages for realizing proper enlightenment; and teaching, transforming, and bringing to maturity inconceivable realms of sentient beings. In a single thought, he reveals infinitely many Buddhas realizing proper enlightenment, and he also teaches and transforms sentient beings and brings them to maturity. This is an inconceivable state in the realm of sentient beings, as well as being his passage into liberation.
Bodhisattva Mahasattva Lion Banner of Universal Light gained a passage into liberation of cultivating the Bodhisattva’s blessings and virtue—cultivating the Six Paramitas and the myriad practices and doing all kinds of good deeds—in order to adorn and create all Buddhalands. Originally the Buddhalands were not there, but he can adorn them and make them manifest. That is his passage into liberation.
Bodhisattva Mahasattva Splendid Light of Universal Jeweled Flames gained a passage into liberation of contemplating the state of the Buddha’s spiritual powers without being confused. Bodhisattva Mahasattva Universal Voice with Merit and Virtue Like a Banner or Ocean gained a passage into liberation of displaying the adornments of all Buddhalands in the bodhimanda of a single assembly. Bodhisattva Mahasattva Universal Wisdom-Light Illuminating the Thus Come One’s Realm gained a passage into liberation of following the Thus Come One to contemplate the profound, vast, great treasury of the Dharma Realm.
Bodhisattva Mahasattva Splendid Light of Universal Jeweled Flames gained a passage into liberation of contemplating the state of the Buddha’s spiritual powers without being confused himself. That is his passage into liberation.
Bodhisattva Mahasattva Universal Voice with Merit and Virtue Like a Banner or Ocean gained a passage into liberation of displaying the adornments of all Buddhalands in the bodhimanda of a single assembly. Within a single Dharma assembly, he can display all the adorned lands and splendid Way-places of the Buddhas of the ten directions. That is his passage into liberation.
The next Bodhisattva Mahasattva is named Universal Wisdom-Light Illuminating the Thus Come One’s Realm. His light illumines the realm of the Thus Come One. He gained a passage into liberation of following the Thus Come One—the Buddha—to contemplate the unsurpassed, profound, vast, great treasury of the Dharma Realm. He could understand the principle of the Dharma realm.
Bodhisattva Mahasattva Delightful Sounds that Bring Universal Enlightenment gained a passage into liberation of drawing near to and serving all Buddhas and presenting a plethora of offerings. Bodhisattva Mahasattva Universal Purity and Majestic Light of Infinite Blessings gained a passage into liberation of producing all spiritual transformations to vastly bestow aid. Bodhisattva Mahasattva Universal Jeweled Cowl and Flower Banner gained a passage into liberation of universally entering all worldly practices and giving rise to the Bodhisattva’s boundless methods of practice. Bodhisattva Mahasattva Supreme Light from Universal Characteristics gained a passage into liberation of displaying all Buddhas’ states within a Dharma Realm that is devoid of characteristics.
At that time, Bodhisattva Mahasattva Pure Virtue’s Wondrous Light received the Buddha’s awesome spiritual power, universally contemplated the ocean of all the Bodhisattvas’ passages into liberation, and spoke the following verses.
The next Bodhisattva Mahasattva is named Delightful Sounds that Bring Universal Enlightenment .He enlightens sentient beings and makes them happy. Sentient beings are saved upon hearing the sound of his voice, hence his name. He gained a passage into liberation of drawing near to and serving all Buddhas and presenting a plethora of offerings. He constantly attends upon the Buddhas and makes offerings to them. That is his passage into liberation.
Bodhisattva Mahasattva Universal Purity and Majestic Light of Infinite Blessings gained a passage into liberation of producing all spiritual transformations to vastly bestow aid upon sentient beings, inspiring them to commit themselves to realizing bodhi. Bodhisattva Mahasattva Universal Jeweled Cowl and Flower Banner gained a passage into liberation of universally entering all worldly practices and giving rise to the Bodhisattva’s boundless methods of practice. He attained that passage into liberation.
Bodhisattva Mahasattva Supreme Light from Universal Characteristics gained a passage into liberation of displaying all Buddhas’ states within a Dharma Realm that is devoid of characteristics. Within a Dharma Realm that is basically free from characteristics and appearances, he can manifest the states of all Buddhas. That is his passage into liberation.
At that time, Bodhisattva Mahasattva Pure Virtue’s Wondrous Light received the Buddha’s awesome spiritual power, universally contemplated the ocean of all the Bodhisattvas’ passages into liberation, and spoke the following verses to further explain the principles.
Every land in the ten directions
Is adorned and purified in an instant.
With a wondrous voice he turns the Dharma wheel.
Throughout all worlds, there is none equal to the Buddha.Commentary:
Every land in worlds in the ten directions—the zenith, the nadir, the four cardinal and four intermediate directions. In every Buddhaland, there is a Buddha speaking Dharma and turning the great Dharma wheel. Every land in the ten directions is adorned and purified in an instant—an extremely short time. With a wondrous, inconceivable voice he turns the great Dharma wheel and speaks the Dharma for sentient beings. Throughout all worlds, there is none equal to the Buddha. Throughout the worlds of the ten directions, there is no sound more wondrous than that of the Buddha. Nor is there any principle more perfect that that expounded by the Buddha. Therefore, throughout the world, there is none equal to the Buddha.
Boundless is the realm of the Thus Come One.
In a single thought he completely fills the Dharma Realm.
In every dust mote a bodhimanda is established,
Where all can realize bodhi and develop spiritual transformations.The World Honored One cultivated all practices
For measureless hundreds of thousands of eons.
He adorns each and every Buddhaland,
Manifesting freely like space.The Buddha’s spiritual powers are limitless.
They completely fill boundless eons.
One could spend innumerable eons
Observing them continually without tiring.Behold the state of the Buddha’s spiritual powers:
They adorn and purify all lands in the ten directions.
In each and every land, they manifest—
Limitless in variety, different in every thought.Commentary:
Boundless is the realm of the Thus Come One. The realm of the Thus Come One cannot be fathomed, for it is boundless and infinite. In a single thought he completely fills the ten directions of the Dharma Realm. / In every dust mote a bodhimanda is established by the Buddha, where he turns the great Dharma wheel to teach and transform sentient beings, so all can realize bodhi and develop spiritual transformations. The Buddha enables all sentient beings within dharma realms as numerous as motes of dust to set up Way-places as numerous as motes of dust, causing sentient beings as measureless as motes of dust to realize bodhi, the Way of Enlightenment, and be endowed with spiritual transformations.
The World Honored One, one of the ten titles by which the Buddha is known, cultivated all practices—the Six Paramitas and the myriad practices—for immeasurable hundreds of thousands of great eons—such a long time. Adorning each and every Buddhaland, / He manifests freely like space. The Buddha can make an appearance in any land he wishes. Nothing can hinder him, because his Dharma body is like space.
The Buddha’s Dharma body pervades the Dharma realm, and his spiritual powers are limitless. No one can quantify them. They completely fill boundless great eons. / One could spend innumerable eons, / Observing them continually without tiring.
Behold the state of the Buddha’s spiritual powers: / They adorn and purify all lands in the ten directions. The lands of all Buddhas are ornamented and pure. In each and every land, before every sentient being, they manifest— / Limitless in variety, different in every thought. The Buddha displays different spiritual powers before each sentient being. His spiritual powers differ from one thought to the next and are limitless in variety.
For measureless hundreds of thousands of eons, contemplate the Buddha
With totally undivided attention.
The Thus Come One has unobstructed expedient doors.
This light universally shines upon inconceivable lands.In former eons when Thus Come One was in the world,
He attended upon Buddhas as boundless as an ocean.
Therefore all beings, like madly rushing streams,
Come to make offerings to the One Honored by the World.The Thus Come One appears pervasively in the ten directions,
In measureless lands within each and every mote of dust.
All the states therein are measureless,
Dwelling throughout boundless and infinite eons.In eons gone by, when the Buddha was a sentient being,
He cultivated an ocean of boundless great compassion.
Entering samsara along with sentient beings,
He universally transforms the multitudes, making them pure.In the treasury of the Dharma Realm of True Suchness, the Buddha dwells—
Devoid of forms and characteristics, free from all defilement.
When sentient beings behold his various bodies,
Their woes and difficulties vanish one and all.Commentary:
For measureless hundreds of thousands of eons, contemplate the Buddhas / With totally undivided attention. Observe the Buddhas for that huge amount of time without resting for even a moment or shifting your attention away by even a hairsbreadth. The Thus Come One has unobstructed expedient doors. The Buddha has expedient dharma doors that are mutually nonobstructing. This Buddha light universally shines upon measureless, inconceivable Buddhas’ lands throughout hundreds of thousands of eons.
In former eons when Thus Come One was a sentient being in the world, / He attended upon Buddhas as boundless as an ocean. He cultivated all their Dharma, made offerings to them all, made obeisance to them, and served them with the utmost sincerity. He serve not just one Buddha, but measurelessly and boundlessly many Buddhas in the ten directions—Buddhas so numerous that they resembled an ocean. Therefore all sentient beings—including all the Bodhisattvas and Arhats—like madly rushing streams flowing into the ocean, come to make offerings to the One Honored by the World, the Buddha.
The Thus Come One constantly appears pervasively in the lands of the ten directions, / In measureless lands within each and every mote of dust. / All the states of the Buddha therein are measureless and distinct from one another. Dwelling throughout boundless and infinite eons. The Buddha’s spiritual powers and transformations, as well as his other qualities, are infinite and boundless. He has perfected them through infinite eons of cultivation.
In eons gone by, when the Buddha was a sentient being, / He cultivated an ocean of boundless great compassion. The Buddha cultivated a heart of great compassion, a heart which grieves with Heaven and pities the people. He could not bear to see sentient beings in suffering, and the sight of it called forth his great compassion. His great compassion, which gave him the ability to save all beings, resembles an ocean. He cultivated that ocean of great compassion every day, so that it grew ever larger. Entering samsara along with sentient beings, the Buddha underwent births and deaths. In order to teach sentient beings, the Buddha gave himself up for the sake of sentient beings, often entering the great ocean of birth and death with them. He universally teaches and transforms the multitudes of sentient beings, making them pure, helping them to attain their inherent pure substance.
In the treasury of the Dharma Realm of True Suchness , the Buddha dwells— / Devoid of forms and characteristics, free from all defilement. Why is the Buddha devoid of forms and characteristics? He has gone beyond all forms and characteristics. He has separated from all impure, defiled dharmas and has attained the bliss of nirvana —the happiness of True Suchness, self-mastery, and impartiality. He has no more defiled thoughts and is thus “free from all defilement.” When sentient beings behold his various bodies, / Their woes and difficulties vanish one and all. The sight of the Buddha’s various different bodies dispels sentient beings’ woes and calamities.
VII. C.4.c. Ten Bodhisattvas of distinct names each gain one dharma door
Moreover, Bodhisattva Mahasattva Ocean Moonlight’s Great Radiance gained a passage into liberation of using expedient means in bringing into being all Bodhisattva grounds and paramitas, teaching and transforming sentient beings, and adorning and purifying all Buddhalands.
Moreover, to elaborate further upon the principles of the sutra, Bodhisattva Mahasattva Ocean Moonlight’s Great Radiance gained a passage into liberation of using expedient means in bringing into being all Bodhisattva grounds . This great Bodhisattva can manifest all the Bodhisattva grounds, from the First Ground all the way up to Equal Enlightenment, and all the paramitas—methods for reaching the other shore. Paramita is a Sanskrit word that means “arriving at the other shore.” These methods are for the purpose of teaching and transforming sentient beings, and adorning and purifying all Buddhalands. This is an expedient dharma door of liberation.
Bodhisattva Mahasattva Immaculate Treasury of Thunderclouds and Shining Seas gained a passage into liberation of universally entering various, distinct locations in all dharma realms in thought after thought. Bodhisattva Mahasattva Jeweled Cowl Born of Wisdom gained a passage into liberation of displaying pure, great meritorious virtues before all sentient beings throughout inconceivable eons. Bodhisattva Mahasattva Pure Light of Meritorious Virtues and Majestic Freedom gained a passage into liberation of universally viewing the various adornments of all Bodhisattvas in the ten directions upon their arrival at the bodhimanda. Bodhisattva Mahasattva Lotus Headdress of Proficient Courage gained a passage into liberation of universally revealing all Buddhadharmas according to the ocean of sentient beings’ faculties and understanding.
The next Bodhisattva Mahasattva is named Immaculate Treasury of Thunderclouds and Shining Seas . He gained a passage into liberation of universally entering various, distinct locations in all dharma realms in thought after thought. That is, he enters all kinds of different Way-places in each of the dharma realms. Thenext Bodhisattva Mahasattva is named Jeweled Cowl Born of Wisdom. This great Bodhisattva gained a passage into liberation of displaying pure, great meritorious virtues before all sentient beings throughout inconceivable eons. Throughout that vast span of time which can neither be mentally conceived nor verbally expressed, he can manifest for sentient beings a great treasury of merit which is pure, unsullied by greed, anger, and delusion. The absence of greed, anger, and delusion is a great treasury of merit . The lack of defilement is also a great treasury of merit. He entered this passage into liberation.
The next Bodhisattva Mahasattva isnamed Pure Light of Meritorious Virtues and Majestic Freedom. This great Bodhisattva gained a passage into liberation of universally viewing the various adornments of all Bodhisattvas in the ten directions—including Bodhisattvas of the past, the present, and the future—upon their arrival at the Buddha’s bodhimanda. When those Bodhisattvas first arrive at the Buddha’s Way-place, all kinds of adornments and inconceivable states are seen. This Bodhisattva attained this passage into liberation.
The next Bodhisattva Mahasattva is named Lotus Headdress of Proficient Courage . This great Bodhisattva gained a passage into liberation of universally revealing all Buddhadharmas according to the ocean of sentient beings’ faculties and understanding. Each sentient being has his own disposition and its own unique understanding of the principles. Sentient beings’ faculties may be sharp or dull; that is, they may be intelligent or dull-witted. Between the most intelligent and the dullest beings, there is an ocean of different variations in faculties and understanding. This line of text can be interpreted as referring to all sentient beings with their differing faculties and understanding, or to one particular sentient being, whose faculties are very keen and whose understanding is as vast as an ocean.
“How can this line be interpreted as referring to one sentient being?” you ask. If it can be explained as referring to many sentient beings, why can’t it also be explained as talking about one sentient being?
The many are just the one ; the one is just the many. One and many are nondual.
The many come about from the one. The one is a portion of the many. Therefore, the one represents the many; the many, the one. The realm of the Flower Adornment Sutra is such that it destroy people’s attachments. Any explanation that is logically sound and not self-contradictory is acceptable. Therefore, the word for “all” can be explained as “one.”
Since sentient beings’ faculties and understanding resemble an ocean, it is not sufficient to reveal only a few dharmas to them. They would not be satisfied. That’s why this passage into liberation is that of “universally revealing all Buddhadharmas.” The Bodhisattva instructs sentient beings in all Buddhadharmas until they understand it all. That Bodhisattva obtained this passage into liberation.
Bodhisattva Mahasattva Universal Wisdom Resembling Banners of Clouds and Sun gained a passage into liberation of perfecting the Thus Come One’s wisdom and eternally dwelling throughout immeasurable eons. Bodhisattva Mahasattva Adamantine Navel of Great Vigor gained a passage into liberation of universally entering the power derived from the imprint of boundless Dharma seals. Bodhisattva Mahasattva Banner of Fragrant Blazing Light gained a passage into liberation of displaying all present Buddhas’ initial cultivation of Bodhisattva conduct up to their perfection of accumulated wisdom. Bodhisattva Mahasattva Resplendent Virtue and Beautiful Sound gained a passage into liberation of peacefully dwelling in the ocean of all the great vows of Vairochana. Bodhisattva Mahasattva Light of Great Blessings Born of Wisdom gained a passage into liberation of displaying the profound state of the Thus Come One’s omnipresence in the Dharma realm.
At that time, Bodhisattva Mahasattva Ocean Moonlight’s Great Radiance received the Buddha’s awesome spiritual power, universally contemplated the adorned, oceanic multitudes of all the Bodhisattvas, and spoke the following verses.
The next great Bodhisattva Mahasattva is named Universal Wisdom Resembling Banners of Clouds and Sun . That is his virtuous title. He gained a passage into liberation of perfecting the Thus Come One’s wisdom and eternally dwelling throughout immeasurable eons. Having attained the Buddha’s wisdom, he can stay in the world for infinitely many eons to practice the Bodhisattva Way. That is his passage into liberation. Thenext Bodhisattva Mahasattva is named Adamantine Navel of Great Vigor . His great vigor includes both physical and mental vigor. He has a healthy body, and so his name is Adamantine Navel of Great Vigor. This great Bodhisattva gained a passage into liberation of universally entering the power derived from the imprint of boundless Dharma seals. He has thoroughly understood the true appearance of all dharmas. All dharmas are perfectly interpenetrating and have connected with his own mind. He attained this passage into liberation of the power of Dharma seals.
The next great Bodhisattva Mahasattva is named Banner of Fragrant Blazing Light. That is his virtuous title. He gained a passage into liberation of displaying all present Buddhas’ initial cultivation of Bodhisattva conduct up to their perfection of accumulated wisdom. The word “present” encompasses past and future as well, but the focus is on the present time. The interval from when the Buddhas first began cultivating the Bodhisattva Way until they realized the Buddha’s wisdom and enlightenment is a very long span of time. As the saying goes,
For three asamkhyeyas of eons they cultivated blessings and wisdom;
For a hundred eons they developed the fine marks and characteristics.This Bodhisattva attained this passage into liberation.
The next great Bodhisattva Mahasattva has the virtuous title Resplendent Virtue and Beautiful Sound. He gained a passage into liberation of peacefully dwelling in the ocean of all the great vows of Vairochana. That is, he understands how to practice Vairochana’s great vows, which are like an ocean. He is able to embody the great vows of Vairochana Buddha. He can practice the vows made by Vairochana Buddha. Vairochana is the name of the Dharma Body Buddha. Nisyanda is the Perfect Reward Body Buddha. This Bodhisattva attained this passage into liberation. The next great Bodhisattva Mahasattva named Light of Great Blessings Born of Wisdom was born from the wisdom of great blessings and light, hence his virtuous title. He gained a passage into liberation of displaying the profound state of the Thus Come One’s omnipresence in the Dharma Realm. The state of the Thus Come One’s body pervading the Dharma Realm is not easy to understand; it is profound and difficult to fathom.
At that time, after all those Bodhisattvas finished describing their dharma doors, Bodhisattva Mahasattva Ocean Moonlight’s Great Radiance received the Buddha’s great, awesome, spiritual power, universally contemplated the adorned, oceanic multitudes of all the Bodhisattavas. The Bodhisattvas adorning the Buddha’s Dharma assembly in the Way-place were so numerous they resembled an ocean. He contemplated these causes and conditions and then spoke the following verses to reiterate what had already been expressed in prose.
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