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The Wondrous Adornments of the Rulers of the Worlds
Chapter One, Part Four and Five
Moreover, Multi-bodied Spirit State of Pure Joy gained a passage into liberation of recollecting the sea of the Buddha’s past vows. Multi-bodied Spirit Light Illumining the Ten Directions gained a passage into liberation of radiating light universally upon boundless worlds. Multi-bodied Spirit Taming and Subduing with an Ocean-like Sound gained a passage into liberation of using a great voice to enlighten all sentient beings, making them happy and subdued.
Moreover, since the meaning of the sutra has not been fully explained, the explanation will continue. Multi-bodied Spirit State of Pure Joy is so-named because she has attained a state of pure happiness. What state of the Buddha has she attained? She gained a passage into liberation of recollecting the sea of the Buddha’s past vows. She remembers the vows that Shakyamuni Buddha made in the past, which are as profuse as an ocean.
Cultivators of the Way should not look lightly upon vows. You must have great vows, so that your cultivation can be great and you can achieve a great result. Cultivating without making great vows is like trying to cross the ocean without a boat—you cannot get across. Great vows are comparable to a boat that ferries you across the sea. Therefore, it is essential that cultivators make great vows, so that they can attain a great fruition.
Shakyamuni Buddha’s past vows are as numerous, as extensive, and as deep as the great sea; they are measureless and boundless. As his disciples, we ought to make great, vast vows to cultivate the unsurpassed Way. The spirit named State of Pure Joy gained this passage into liberation. Multi-bodied Spirit Light Illumining the Ten Directions gained a passage into liberation of radiating light universally upon boundless worlds. Her light illumines the entire Dharma Realm, reaching all worlds, which are infinite in number. She attained that passage into liberation.
The next Multi-bodied Spirit is named Taming and Subduing with an Ocean-like SoundShe uses a voice like the ocean tide to tame and subdue sentient beings. When sentient beings hear her Lion’s Roar, they become liberated. This Multi-bodied Spirit gained a passage into liberation of using a great voice to enlighten all sentient beings, making them happy and subdued. Her voice is so loud that it wakes everyone up. All sentient beings are delighted to hear it. Obstinate beings change their bad habits and faults, tamely allowing this spirit to teach and transform them. Those without feet cannot be called Spirits of Foot Travel; those without bodies cannot be called Multi-bodied Spirits. Spirits are present even among the tiniest creatures and insects. There are even spirits among ants, to take the example of a tiny creature with legs. These spirits assume the form of ants in order to teach and transform ants. If you observe the ant society, you will find there are ants that do good and ants that commit evil. Good ants help other ants out. Evil ants try to seize the food of other ants, acting like thugs and robbers. The only difference between them and human robbers is that they have tiny bodies, so the things they do are on a tiny scale. As for bees, just think of how many of them are robbers who steal honey from others. Are you aware of what they do?
Multi-bodied Spirit Cowl Adorned with Pure Flowers gained a passage into liberation of developing a body that is omnipresent like space. Multi-bodied Spirit Limitless Aspects of Awesome Comportment gained a passage into liberation of displaying the states of Buddhas to all sentient beings.
Multi-bodied Spirit Cowl Adorned with Pure Flowers gained a state of the Buddha, a passage into liberation of developing a body that is omnipresent throughout the Dharma Realm like space. She attained that passage into liberation. Multi-bodied Spirit Limitless Aspects of Awesome Comportment gained a passage into liberation of displaying the states of all Buddhas to all sentient beings. That was her passage into liberation.
Multi-bodied Spirit Supreme Light Adornment gained a passage into liberation of replenishing the physical strength of all starving and exhausted sentient beings. Multi-bodied Spirit Pure Light and Clouds of Fragrance gained a passage into liberation of ridding all sentient beings of defiling afflictions. Multi-bodied Spirit Protecting and Gathering In gained a passage into liberation of transforming the delusion and demonic karma of all sentient beings. Multi-bodied Spirit Universally Manifesting to Gather In and Transform gained a passage into liberation of universally manifesting an adorned appearance in the palaces of all world leaders.
Multi-bodied Spirit Supreme Light Adornment understood a state of the Buddha and gained the samadhi of a passage into liberation of replenishing the physical strength of all starving and exhausted sentient beings. “Starving and exhausted” means being impoverished, having nothing to eat and no strength or energy. Here, “starving” refers to being deprived of the food of Dharma and “exhausted” means lacking the awesome strength of spiritual penetrations. This Multi-bodied Spirit is replete with physical strength. In other words, she is in good health. Being healthy means being nourished by the bliss of dhyana and filled with the joy of Dharma. When sentient beings have not attained dhyana concentration, they can be said to be starving and exhausted. When they have not attained the joy of Dharma, they lack energy and vigor. Now that they are nourished by dhyana bliss and filled with Dharma joy, they are full of energy. This spirit attained this passage into liberation.
Multi-bodied Spirit Pure Light and Clouds of Fragrance gained astate of the Buddha and a passage into liberation of ridding all sentient beings of defiling afflictions. Afflictions are a form of defilement, and defilement is a form of affliction. In cultivating the Way, if you cannot turn afflictions around, bodhi cannot manifest. Once you turn afflictions into bodhi, purity is obtained. Before they are turned into bodhi, defilement exists. If those who have left the home-life still cannot renounce their polluted afflictions, then there is not much point in their leaving home. Whether you are a Bhikshu or a Bhikshuni, you should not compete with others to see who has the biggest temper. Instead, you should see who has more patience. Don’t compete to see who has the most afflictions, saying, “See how great my afflictions are? They’re bigger than yours!” If you act on your afflictions, you will never amount to anything; you will never achieve samadhi. Therefore, no matter what you’re doing, you should get rid of afflictions and produce the bodhi resolve. Multi-bodied Spirit Pure Light and Clouds of Fragrance attained this passage into liberation.
The next Multi-bodied Spirit is named Protecting and Gathering In because she guards, protects, and gathers in all sentient beings. She gained a passage into liberation of transforming the delusion and demonic karma of all sentient beings. Transforming means changing, such as when afflictions are changed into bodhi and delusion is changed into wisdom. The delusion of all sentient beings can be transformed so that wisdom is produced. Cultivation is all about bringing about such transformations. Demonic karma refers to impure karma and defiled dharmas. This Multi-bodied Spirit attained this passage into liberation. Multi-bodied Spirit Universally Manifesting to Gather In and Transform gained a state of the Buddha and a passage into liberation of universally displaying the splendor of the palaces of all world leaders. She causes the palaces of worldly kings and emperors, as well as Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, to become extremely beautiful and adorned in appearance, inspiring faith and reverence in all who see them. This spirit gained this passage into liberation.
Multi-bodied Spirit Unmoving Radiance gained a passage into liberation of gathering in all sentient beings and causing them to produce pure good roots. At that time, Multi-bodied Spirit State of Pure Joy received the Buddha’s awesome spiritual power, contemplated the multitudes of Multi-bodied Spirits, and spoke the following verse.
The Multi-bodied Spirit Unmoving Radiance is so named because of her cultivation of unmoving light. This implies that she used to be very restless and active. Little by little, she cultivated until she became unmoving. In what way was she active? Her afflictions were active. She was constantly getting afflicted. Later, through cultivation, her afflictions changed into wisdom and bodhi, and thus she attained unmoving radiance. She gained a passage into liberation of pervasively gathering in all sentient beings and causing them to produce pure good roots. She attained a state of the Buddha of drawing in sentient beings and causing them to grow pure good roots through doing good deeds without outflows, deeds of ultimate goodness and purity. In other words, they did not get attached to the good deeds they did. Once they did them, they forgot about them. In that way, their good roots were pure and clean, free from attachments. This spirit attained this passage into liberation. At that time, Multi-bodied Spirit State of Pure Joy received the Buddha’s awesome spiritual power, contemplated the multitudes of Multi-bodied Spirits everywhere, and spoke the following verse to restate the principles of the preceding prose passage.
I recall that as many eons ago as the motes of dust in Sumeru,
Wondrous Light Buddha appeared in the world.
The World Honored One, in the presence of that Thus Come One,
Resolved to make offerings to each and every Buddha.
The Thus Come One’s body radiates bright light.
His light fills the entire Dharma Realm, missing no place.
When sentient beings encounter it, their minds are tamed.
The Spirit Illumining Directions thus perceives.The Thus Come One’s voice rocks the lands of the ten directions.
All his speech and sounds are full and perfect.
Universally enlightening beings without exception.
Hearing this, Taming and Subduing rejoices in her heart.
Commentary:I recall that as many eons ago as the motes of dust in Mount Sumeru, / The Buddha named Wondrous Light appeared in the world and realized Buddhahood. The World Honored One Shakyamuni, in the presence of that Thus Come One, Wondrous Light, made a great vow. He resolved to make offerings to each and every Buddha pervading space and the Dharma Realm. The Thus Come One’s body radiates bright light. Why does the Thus Come One’s body give off light? It’s because he has gotten rid of all his bad habits and faults. He has changed all his afflictions into wisdom and bodhi, so his body shines brightly. When a cultivator attains great wisdom, he will emit light which dispels all darkness, and those with whom he has affinities will see that light. Having seen the light, they will eventually resolve their minds. Even if they don’t make the resolve in this life, they will in a future life. After being illuminated by the Buddha’s bright light, they are bound to resolve their minds. That’s why the Buddha constantly emits bright light.
His light fills the entire Dharma Realm, missing no place. The Buddha’s light reaches to the ends of space and the Dharma Realm. Every place has the Buddha’s light. If we could change our ignorance and afflictions into wisdom and bodhi, we would see the Buddha’s light. When sentient beings encounter it, their minds are tamed. When sentient beings see the Buddha’s light, their minds become gentle and compliant. Obstinate sentient beings are no longer obstinate. Deluded sentient beings are no longer deluded. Sentient beings with heavy ignorance and afflictions are no longer plagued by ignorance and afflictions. They are tamed, so that their bad habits and faults disappear. The Multi-bodied Spirit Illumining Directions thus perceives. She understands this passage into liberation. The Thus Come One’s voice rocks the countries of the ten directions. The Thus Come One’s voice pervasively fills the Dharma Realm, as does his light. The Thus Come One’s body also fills the ten directions of the Dharma Realm. All his speech and sounds are full and perfect. The Buddha’s words and the sound of his voice are perfect. Universally enlightening beings without exception. The Buddha awakens all sentient beings, not leaving any out. Hearing about this state, the Multi-bodied Spirit Taming and Subduing rejoices in his heart. He is extremely happy.
The Buddha’s body is pure and ever tranquil.
He displays a myriad forms everywhere yet is devoid of characteristics.
In this way he pervasively dwells in all worlds.
The Spirit Pure Flowers enters thus.The Guiding Master is inconceivable like this:
He is seen by sentient beings according to their wishes--
Perhaps sitting, or walking, or sometimes standing.
Limitless Aspects of Awesome Comportment awakens to this passage.It is difficult to encounter a Buddha in a hundred thousand eons.
He comes forth to benefit beings with mastery and ease,
Delivering all the world’s beings from poverty’s woes.
Supreme Light Adornment enters this state.Commentary:
The Buddha’s body is pure and ever tranquil. The Buddha’s body does not leave its original place, yet pervades the ten directions. He displays a myriad forms everywhere yet is devoid of characteristics. The Buddha’s body is still and tranquil. “All dharmas, from the very beginning, are always still and tranquil, and cannot be described in words.” The Buddha displays all bodies of wonderful existence, but these bodies are apart from marks; they are part of true emptiness. True emptiness reveals wonderful existence; wonderful existence is simply true emptiness. In this way, within true emptiness and wonderful existence, he pervasively dwells in all worlds throughout the ten directions.
The Spirit Pure Flowers enters thus this state and this passage into liberation. The Guiding Master is inconceivable like this. The great Guiding Master who receives and guides sentient beings can neither be conceived of with the mind nor described in words. He is seen by sentient beings according to their wishes. Sentient beings are able to see the Buddha, perhaps sitting, or walking, or sometimes standing. They may see the Buddha sitting there, strolling about, and just standing. Whether the Buddha is walking, standing, sitting, or reclining, Limitless Aspects of Awesome Comportment awakens to this passage. “Limitless aspects of awesome comportment” refers to the three thousand modes of awesome comportment and the eighty thousand subtle practices. This Multi-bodied Spirit has seen the Buddha’s awesome comportment and understands this passage into liberation.
It is difficult to encounter a Buddha in a hundred thousand eons. We have all been born after the time of a Buddha. This is one of the Eight Difficulties. We have come into the world when the Buddha has already entered nirvana. Since our affinities with the Buddha are not deep enough, we have not been born during the Buddha’s time. It is hard to meet a Buddha even in a hundred million eons. It is not easy at all. He comes forth to benefit beings with mastery and ease. The Buddha appears in the world to benefit sentient beings through the wondrous functioning of his sovereign spiritual powers, delivering all the world’s beings from poverty’s woes so they can attain the benefit of the Dharma. People who do not understand the Buddhadharma are the poorest of all. Those who do understand the Buddhadharma are the richest. Multi-bodied Spirit Supreme Light Adornment enters this state and attains this passage into liberation.
From the gaps between the Thus Come One’s teeth,
Brilliant, blazing clouds like fragrant lamps issue forth,
Extinguishing the delusions of all sentient beings.
Immaculate Cloud spirit thus observes.Sentient beings’ defiling delusions become heavy obstructions
They constantly drift and wander along demonic byways.
The Thus Come One reveals the path of liberation.
Protecting and Supporting awakens thus and enters.Commentary:
From the gaps between the Thus Come One’s teeth, / Brilliant, blazing clouds like fragrant lamps issue forth. These lamps give off various kinds of fragrance and light that form blazing clouds, extinguishing the delusions of all sentient beings. All beings’ confusion and doubts vanish upon being illuminated by that light. Immaculate Cloud spirit, that Multi-bodied Spirit, thus observes and understands this passage into liberation. Sentient beings’ defiling delusions become heavy obstructions. Sentient beings are deluded by defiled phenomena, so they lose their purity. In that state of impurity, all sorts of weighty impediments arise, obscuring their inherent natures until the light of prajna cannot shine forth.
They constantly drift and wander along demonic byways. Take a look. Only a few people attend Dharma assemblies where the Dharma is lectured. There are only twenty people or so here studying the Buddhadharma. Rock concerts, however, are attended by thousands or tens of thousands people who have to buy tickets to get in. If a famous rock star’s records are being given away, everyone goes crazy trying to grab one; people even come to blows over it. This is exactly what this line is referring to—being influenced by demons’ insanity and constantly drifting and wandering. Dancing is a defiled dharma, as are watching movies or plays. Nevertheless, people want to do these things and are willing to pay for them.
Our Dharma lectures are free, yet they don’t come. Maybe if we charged an entrance fee, they would want to come. If there is a striptease show, people will even go without sleep so they can watch it. Really, what is there worth seeing? What benefits are there in watching it? Even some who plan to leave the home life want to see one last striptease show. Isn’t that pathetic? That’s another example of following the insanity of demons and running about. People also know that taking drugs is harmful, yet they still buy it and take it. That is also to follow the insanity of demons and run about. The Thus Come One reveals the path of liberation for all these confused sentient beings. Protecting and Supporting awakens thus and enters. Multi-bodied Spirit One Who Protects and Gathers In is able to understand and awaken to this passage into liberation.
I contemplate the Thus Come One’s power of self-mastery.
His light spreads throughout the Dharma Realm, filling it entirely.
Dwelling in the royal palace, he transforms sentient beings.
This is the state of Universally Manifesting spirit.Sentient beings, confused by falseness, suffer a myriad woes.
The Buddha is in their midst, constantly rescuing and protecting them.
He helps them to dispel delusions and develop joyful hearts.
Unmoving Radiance spirit thus observes.Commentary:
I contemplate the Thus Come One’s spiritual power of self-mastery. / His brilliant light spreads throughout the Dharma Realm, filling it entirely. / Dwelling in the royal palace, he transformssentient beings. The Buddha lived in a king’s palace, and he taught and transformed all sentient beings. This is the state of Universally Manifesting spirit. That Multi-bodied Spirit understands this state.
Sentient beings, confused by falseness, having strayed off the proper path and gotten caught up in a profusion of false thoughts, suffer a myriad woes. Their numerous false thoughts are like birds flying every which way. These haphazard false thoughts bring on every kind of suffering—the three sufferings, the eight sufferings, and the limitless sufferings. They undergo all these woes. The Buddha is in their midst in the six paths, constantly rescuing and protecting them. / He helps them to dispel delusions and develop joyful hearts. Unmoving Radiance spirit, that Multi-bodied Spirit, thus observes and understands this passage into liberation.
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